'use strict';
var esl = require('modesl') ;
var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter ;
var util = require('util') ;
var delegate = require('delegates') ;
var assert = require('assert') ;
var async = require('async') ;
* an individual Freeswitch server
* @constructor
* @param {Fsw~createOptions} opts - configuration options
function Fsw(opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Fsw)) { return new Fsw(opts); }
assert(typeof opts === 'object', '\'opts\' is a required argument') ;
assert(typeof opts.address === 'string', '\'opts.address\' is a required argument') ;
assert(typeof opts.port === 'number', '\'opts.port\' is a required argument') ;
assert(typeof opts.secret === 'string', '\'opts.secret\' is a required argument') ;
assert(typeof opts.profile === 'string', '\'opts.profile\' is a required argument') ;
this.address = opts.address ;
this.port = opts.port ;
this.secret = opts.secret ;
this.profile = opts.profile ;
this.localAddress = opts.localAddress ;
this.online = false ;
this.max_attempts = null;
if (opts.max_attempts && !isNaN(opts.max_attempts) && opts.max_attempts > 0) {
this.max_attempts = +opts.max_attempts;
this.retry_max_delay = null;
if (opts.retry_max_delay !== undefined && !isNaN(opts.retry_max_delay) && opts.retry_max_delay > 0) {
this.retry_max_delay = opts.retry_max_delay;
this.initialize_retry_vars() ;
Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', {
get: function() {
return Fsw.makeId(this) ;
}) ;
Object.defineProperty( this, 'idleSessions', {
get: function() {
if( typeof this.maxSessions !== 'undefined' && typeof this.currentSessions !== 'undefined') {
return this.maxSessions - this.currentSessions;
}) ;
util.inherits(Fsw, Emitter) ;
exports = module.exports = Fsw ;
Fsw.makeId = function(obj) {
return obj.address + ':' + obj.port + ':' + obj.profile ;
} ;
* connect to the event socket of a freeswitch server, validate the configured sip profile exists,
* and begin receving heartbeat messages
Fsw.prototype.connect = function() {
var self = this ;
this.closing = false ;
function connectToFsw(callback) {
self._conn = new esl.Connection(self.address, self.port, self.secret, self.localAddress) ;
.on('esl::ready', function() { return callback(null) ;})
.on('error', function(err) { return callback(err); })
.on('esl::end', function() { return callback('acl prevents connection');})
.on('esl::event::auth::fail', function() {
return callback('authentication failed') ;
}) ;
function queryProfile(callback) {
self._conn.api('sofia status', function(res){
var status = res.getBody() ;
var re = new RegExp('^\\s*' + self.profile + '\\s.*sip:mod_sofia@((?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}):(\\d+)', 'm') ;
var results = re.exec( status ) ;
if( null === results ) {
self._conn.disconnect() ;
return callback('profile ' + self.profile + ' does not exist on freeswitch server at ' + self.address + ':' + self.port) ;
self.sipAddress = results[1] ;
self.sipPort = parseInt( results[2] ) ;
callback(null) ;
}) ;
function( err ) {
if( err ) {
/* ignore timeout errors, because we'll be retrying anyways, and these will come in after we connect */
if( err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
return ;
self.emit('error', err) ;
self._conn.removeAllListeners() ;
process.nextTick( function() {
}) ;
return ;
self.install_listeners() ;
self.online = true ;
self._conn.subscribe(['HEARTBEAT']) ;
self.emit('online') ;
) ;
} ;
* This callback provides the response to a connection attempt to a freeswitch server
* @callback Fsw~connectCallback
* @param {string} err - error encountered attempting to connect and verify profile, or null if none
* disconnect from the event socket
Fsw.prototype.disconnect = function() {
this.closing = true ;
if( this._conn.connected() ) {
this._conn.disconnect() ;
} ;
// private
Fsw.prototype.initialize_retry_vars = function () {
this.retry_timer = null;
this.retry_totaltime = 0;
this.retry_delay = 150;
this.retry_backoff = 1.7;
this.attempts = 0;
Fsw.prototype.connection_gone = function (why) {
var self = this;
if( why === 'authentication failed') {
console.log('not reattempting connection due to auth failure: update config file with correct secret and retry') ;
return ;
if( why === 'acl prevents connection') {
console.log('not reattempting connection due to ACL configuration on freeswitch: update freeswitch conf and retry') ;
return ;
// If a retry is already in progress, just let that happen
if (this.retry_timer) {
this.connected = false;
this.ready = false;
// If this is a requested shutdown, then don't retry
if (this.closing) {
this.retry_timer = null;
var nextDelay = Math.floor(this.retry_delay * this.retry_backoff);
if (this.retry_max_delay !== null && nextDelay > this.retry_max_delay) {
this.retry_delay = this.retry_max_delay;
} else {
this.retry_delay = nextDelay;
if (this.max_attempts && this.attempts >= this.max_attempts) {
this.retry_timer = null;
console.log("Fsw#connection_gone: Couldn't get drachtio connection after " + this.max_attempts + " attempts.");
this.attempts += 1;
this.emit("reconnecting", {
delay: self.retry_delay,
attempt: self.attempts
this.retry_timer = setTimeout(function () {
self.retry_totaltime += self.retry_delay;
if (self.connect_timeout && self.retry_totaltime >= self.connect_timeout) {
self.retry_timer = null;
console.log("Fsw#connection_gone:: Couldn't get freeswitch connection after " + self.retry_totaltime + "ms.");
self.connect() ;
self.retry_timer = null;
}, this.retry_delay);
Fsw.prototype.install_listeners = function() {
this._conn.removeAllListeners() ;
this._conn.on('error', this._onError.bind(this) ) ;
this._conn.on('esl::ready', this._onReady.bind(this) ) ;
this._conn.on('esl::end', this._onEnd.bind(this) ) ;
this._conn.on('esl::event::HEARTBEAT::*', this._onHeartbeat.bind(this)) ;
} ;
Fsw.prototype._onHeartbeat = function(evt) {
this.maxSessions = parseInt( evt.getHeader('Max-Sessions')) ;
this.currentSessions = parseInt( evt.getHeader('Session-Count')) ;
this.cps = parseInt( evt.getHeader('Session-Per-Sec')) ;
this.hostname = evt.getHeader('FreeSWITCH-Hostname') ;
this.v4address = evt.getHeader('FreeSWITCH-IPv4') ;
this.v6address = evt.getHeader('FreeSWITCH-IPv6') ;
this.fsVersion = evt.getHeader('FreeSWITCH-Version') ;
this.cpuIdle = parseFloat( evt.getHeader('Idle-CPU')) ;
console.log('%s: sessions (max/current/avail): %d/%d/%d, cpu idle: %d', this.id, this.maxSessions,
this.currentSessions, this.idleSessions, this.cpuIdle) ;
} ;
Fsw.prototype._onEnd = function() {
this.online = false ;
this.emit('offline') ;
this.initialize_retry_vars() ;
this.connection_gone('end') ;
} ;
Fsw.prototype._onError = function(err) {
console.log('%s: _onError: ', err) ;
this.emit('error', err);
this.initialize_retry_vars() ;
this.connection_gone(err) ;
Fsw.prototype._onReady = function() {
console.log('%s: connected and ready', this.id) ;
} ;
Fsw.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
id: this.id,
address: this.address,
port: this.port,
profile: this.profile
} ;
} ;
delegate(Fsw.prototype, '_conn')
.method('api') ;
* Error event triggered when connection to freeswitch media server fails.
* @event Fsw#error
* @type {object}
* @property {String} message - Indicates the reason the connection failed