'use strict' ;
var Fsw = require('./fsw') ;
var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter ;
var util = require('util') ;
var _ = require('lodash') ;
var fs = require('fs') ;
var path = require('path') ;
var assert = require('assert') ;
* A cluster of freeswitch servers that SIP requests will be proxied to
* @constructor
function Cluster() {
if (!(this instanceof Cluster)) { return new Cluster(); }
var self = this ;
this.pool = {} ;
//watch config file for changes - we allow the user to dynamically add or remove targets
var configPath = path.resolve(__dirname) + '/config.js' ;
fs.watchFile(configPath, function () {
try {
console.log('config.js was just modified...') ;
delete require.cache[require.resolve(configPath)] ;
var config = require(configPath) ;
self.addServer( config.targets, config.localAddress ) ;
} catch( err ) {
console.log('Error re-reading config.js after modification; check to ensure there are no syntax errors: ', err) ;
}) ;
util.inherits(Cluster, Emitter) ;
exports = module.exports = Cluster ;
* adds one or more freeswitch servers to the cluster. Any existing servers in the cluster that are not part of the new
* list will be removed
* @param {Fsw~createOptions|Array} targets - freeswitch server connection options (or array of same)
Cluster.prototype.addServer = function(targets, localAddress) {
assert(typeof targets === 'object' || _.isArray(targets), '\'targets\' must be a single object or array of freeswitch targets') ;
var self = this ;
if( !_.isArray(targets) ) {
targets = [targets] ;
// get collection of the items to be removed (i.e., they are in current list but not in new list)
var newIds = _.map( targets, function(t) { return Fsw.makeId(t); }) ;
var remove = _.filter( this.pool, function(fsw, id) {
if( -1 === newIds.indexOf(id) ) { return true ;}
}) ;
// add any new servers
var adds = 0 ;
targets.forEach( function(t) {
var id = Fsw.makeId(t) ;
if( id in self.pool) {
console.log('Cluster#addServer: not adding target %s because it already exists', id) ;
return ;
adds++ ;
var opts = _.extend(t, {retry_max_delay: 60000}) ;
if( localAddress ) { opts.localAddress = localAddress ; }
var fsw = new Fsw(opts) ;
self.pool[id] = fsw ;
console.log('Cluster#addServer: adding target %s', id) ;
fsw.connect() ;
fsw.on('error', self._onError.bind(self, fsw)) ;
fsw.on('offline', self._onOffline.bind( self, fsw)) ;
fsw.on('online', self._onOnline.bind( self, fsw)) ;
fsw.on('reconnecting', self._onReconnecting.bind(self, fsw)) ;
}) ;
// remove any old servers that do not appear in the new list
remove.forEach( function(t) {
var id = Fsw.makeId(t) ;
console.log('Cluster#addServer: removing target %s', id) ;
delete self.pool[id] ;
t.removeAllListeners('error') ;
t.disconnect() ;
}) ;
console.log('added %d servers and removed %d servers', adds, remove.length) ;
} ;
* get array of online freeswitch servers
Cluster.prototype.getOnlineServers = function() {
return _.filter( this.pool, function(fsw) { return fsw.online ;}) ;
} ;
Cluster.prototype._onError = function(fsw, err) {
switch( err.code ) {
console.log('freeswitch %s is unreachable or down', Fsw.makeId(fsw)) ;
break ;
break ;
console.log('freeswitch %s emitted error: ', Fsw.makeId(fsw), err) ;
} ;
Cluster.prototype._onOffline = function(fsw) {
console.log('freeswitch %s went offline', Fsw.makeId(fsw)) ;
this.emit('offline', fsw.toJSON() ) ;
} ;
Cluster.prototype._onOnline = function(fsw) {
console.log('freeswitch %s went online', Fsw.makeId(fsw)) ;
this.emit('online', fsw.toJSON() ) ;
} ;
Cluster.prototype._onReconnecting = function(fsw, obj) {
console.log('freeswitch %s: reconnecting in %d ms (attempt #%d)', Fsw.makeId(fsw), obj.delay, obj.attempt) ;
} ;